
Joseph Davey

Job Title: Partner
Company: West Monroe Partners
Industry: Technology Consulting
Mentor Since: Fall 2015
Will Mentor: Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Early Career MBA
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

I oversee the LA Technology Practice and lead our Financial Services Technology team nationally. I sell work to banks, oversee the work, perform marketing duties like writing papers and conducting interviews with media.

Company Description

West Monroe is a digital services firm that was born in technology but built for business—partnering with companies in transformative industries to deliver quantifiable financial value. We believe that digital is a mindset—not a project, a team, or a destination—and it’s something companies become, not something they do. That’s why we work in diverse, multidisciplinary teams that blend management consulting, digital design, and product engineering to move companies from traditional ways of working to digital operating models—and create experiences that transcend the digital and physical worlds. Connected by the 13 founding values that drive our culture, our 2,400 employees work collaboratively across the firm with the belief that your success is our success. Visit WestMonroe.com to learn more.

Employment History

I have worked in consulting for 13 years, prior to that I worked in Life Sciences for 7. My industry experience spans Healthcare, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Life Sciences, Travel, Retail and Software.


SU - MBA 2006 UW - BA 1995

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I'd like to work with students who are self directed, reliable and motivated. I am excited about working with SU students to develop professional contacts, career management, mentoring and professional development. I especially enjoy helping SU students and giving back to the community.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Virtual on Zoom or Teams