Santiago_Justin 2022.jfif

Justin Santiago

Job Title: Regional Manager, Commercial Sales
Company: Brandfolder
Industry: Tech
Mentor Since: Fall 2022
Will Mentor: Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Early Career MBA
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Leading a High-Performing Sales Team to Drive Revenue Growth at Brandfolder

Company Description

Brandfolder by Smartsheet is the world's most powerfully simple digital asset management (DAM) platform. Built to scale for organizations of any size, Brandfolder empowers marketers, creatives and more to organize, control, distribute and measure all their digital assets.

Employment History

Brandfolder, Smartsheet, DocuSign, US Navy


Seattle University -- Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, Management and Marketing

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

Goal-Oriented Approach: Objective: Ensure that the mentee's journey is directed towards clear, realistic, and achievable goals. Scope: Assessment of the mentee's current goals and aspirations. Assistance in refining or setting new goals that align with the mentee's career and personal aspirations. Development of a structured plan or roadmap to achieve these goals. Regular check-ins to track progress and make necessary adjustments. Resume Review: Objective: Enhance the mentee's ability to present their skills, experiences, and achievements effectively on paper. Scope: Detailed review of the mentee's resume to ensure clarity, relevance, and impact. Recommendations for layout, content, and formatting to match industry standards. Highlighting key achievements and aligning them with the desired job role. Interview Training: Objective: Prepare the mentee for successful interviews by honing their ability to articulate their experiences, skills, and aspirations. Scope: Mock interviews to simulate real-world scenarios. Feedback on communication skills, body language, and content. Training on handling common and challenging interview questions. Role Play Sessions: Objective: Provide a practical, hands-on approach to various professional scenarios to build confidence and competence. Scope: Simulating workplace situations such as client meetings, team conflicts, and presentations. Feedback on performance, decision-making, and interpersonal skills. Professional Development: Objective: Equip the mentee with the skills and knowledge required to excel in the business world. Scope: Guidance on courses, workshops, and seminars relevant to the mentee's career goals. Recommendations for books, articles, and other resources. Personalized development plans based on the mentee's strengths and areas of improvement. Negotiation: Objective: Develop the mentee's ability to negotiate effectively in various professional scenarios. Scope: Training on negotiation techniques and strategies. Role-playing negotiation scenarios such as salary discussions, client contracts, and team projects. Feedback on negotiation style, tactics, and outcomes. Leadership Guidance: Objective: Cultivate leadership qualities and skills in the mentee to prepare them for leadership roles. Scope: Insights into effective leadership styles and practices. Guidance on team management, decision-making, and strategic thinking. Encouraging self-awareness and personal growth as a leader. Career Development: Objective: Assist the mentee in understanding the various career paths available, setting career goals, and creating a roadmap to achieve them. Scope: Guidance on selecting the right job roles, industries, and companies. Building a strong professional network through introductions and networking events. Networking: Objective: Introduce the mentee to industry professionals, helping them build a strong professional network. Scope: Organizing networking events or introducing the mentee to relevant contacts. Guidance on effective networking techniques and etiquette. Academic Guidance: Objective: Provide guidance on academic matters to align with career aspirations. Scope: Recommendations on courses, projects, or research topics that align with the mentee's career goals.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

A mixture of in-person and virtual - flexible