
Lori Noto

Job Title: Consultant/Small Business Owner/Former Real Estate Exec
Company: Lori Noto Consulting
Industry: Real Estate, Project Management, Design/Construction
Mentor Since: Fall 2023
Will Mentor: Undergraduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Lori has unique and broad experience gained through her 30 years of practice sitting on all sides of the development table. Starting her career as a designer with an internationally acclaimed architecture firm to managing development and construction for major institutional projects as owner’s representative, her experience leading and delivering projects from design through construction enables her to solve problems strategically and execute projects of any size at any point in the development stage. Acting as fiduciary for both private and institutional interests, she brings this deep industry knowledge and relationships to every successful project delivery.

Company Description

Current company specializes in visioning and real estate development management, specializing in pro-bono and BIPOC clients. Prior experience includes architecture, owner representation in design and construction management and real estate development.

Employment History

As a registered architect with 15 years of experience practicing architecture, I moved into real estate development specializing in the hospitality sector as well as office development. From then I went into becoming an owners rep as a consultant, which allowed me the opportunity to work on community-focused projects as well as large institutional clients.


B.A from Washington University, St. Louis, major Architecture Master of Architecture, Harvard University

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

Mentoring takes many forms and is different for every individual. My objective is to bring my experiences from my iterative, non-linear path and give students the confidence to pursue their path without sacrificing who they are. The most valuable lessons I have learned (and can offer) are those outside of the boardroom and I'm excited to share with those who are interested. I bring to the table relationships and perspective gained from 30 years experience personally and professionally.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

A mixture of in-person and virtual, during the week, and work hours, but remain flexible.

Additional Information

I would not be where I am now or have had the success i've experienced without mentors at every stage of my career. Each step along your path is just that--one step. and you have to have fun while doing it. I bring the value of being part of a team and learning from others to every endeavor I approach, and I similarly look forward to being inspired by every student I have the fortune to mentor.