
Martin Waiss

Job Title: Chief Investment Officer
Company: Investco L.L.C.
Industry: Real Estate Investment/Development
Mentor Since: Fall 2011
Will Mentor: Graduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Martin Waiss joined Investco in 1998 and served as President for 20 years before assuming his current position as Chief Investment Officer. He oversees the company’s asset management, financing, and strategic planning. With more than 30 years of experience in the real estate and banking industries, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Investco.

Company Description

Investco and its sister companies Tarragon and Tarragon Property Services acquire land and develop and operate income property real estate in the multi-family, industrial and retail sectors. We also oversee different operating companies including a home builder, roof and floor truss manufacturing company, wineries and vineyards.

Employment History

Public Accounting: 6 years Banking: 5 years Real Estate: 25 years


Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, emphasis in accounting from Seattle University

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

Understand Background and Objectives of Student, Explore Multiple Opportunities in real estate, finance, banking, Personality matching with companies and jobs, meet with various people in our company to find out what they do, understand the whole process in real estate from buying the land, design and planning, construction, lease-up, operations and sale of the property.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

I prefer to hold meetings at our Seattle office located downtown at Two Union Square.