
Matt Huff

Job Title: President
Company: Redapt
Industry: Technology
Mentor Since: Fall 2024
Will Mentor: Graduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Matt Huff is a Principal and the President at Redapt, a leading technology solutions provider specializing in cloud, data center infrastructure, AI/ML, and cyber security services. With over two decades of experience, Matt has been instrumental in driving Redapt’s growth, and leading the company's strategy in delivering cutting-edge solutions to clients. His leadership has been key in helping organizations modernize their IT environments and navigate a dynamic and complex cloud landscape. Matt is passionate about leveraging technology to create business value and building long lasting customer relationships.

Company Description

Redapt is an end-to-end technology solutions provider bringing clarity to a dynamic technical environment. Our expertise spans from datacenter infrastructure to cloud implementations. Constant change means your business must learn to leverage emerging technologies to maintain your competitive advantage. Redapt is the trusted partner for your business needs.

Employment History

See Linkedin Profile


BA English Literature, UPS

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

As a mentor, my hope would be to provide an environment for students to ask questions and bounce ideas off of a trusted resource. I can remember my first work experience(s) and I could have benefited from an impartial voice that was willing to offer his or her insights based on their professional experiences. I would like to make that a reality for any student I get the opportunity to work with.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Hybrid (mix of in-person and virtual) - Mutually agreeable location