Michael Hirsch Profile Pic 2023.jpg

Michael Hirsch

Job Title: Principal
Company: Break a Pencil Consulting
Industry: Technology
Mentor Since: Fall 2023
Will Mentor: Graduate Students, Early Career MBA
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

For the last 20 years, I’ve been a Product Manager and Product Management Leader in various tech companies. Earlier this year, I decided to take my experience and start a Product Management Coaching and Consulting Business.

Company Description

Break a Pencil Consulting provides Product Management Coaching and Consulting services.

Employment History

Relevant and recent experience includes: Director, Product Management – HERE Technologies VP, Product Management – ProQuest Director, Product Management – T-Mobile Director, Product Management – Qualcomm Director, Product Management – Universal Electronics Senior Product Manager – Sony Corporation of America


BS, Mechanical Engineering - UCLA MS, Mechanical Engineering - UCLA MBA - UCLA

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

My goal is for this mentoring experience to be beneficial to you. Some ideas of how I can get involved include providing career advice, making introductions to people in my network that may be of interest, providing experience in how to network, interview practice, and having relevant industry trends discussions. I am also open to whatever else you may be hoping to get out of this experience.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

We will negotiate meeting time and location. I prefer in person, but willing to meet virtually if schedules and geography doesn’t line up.

Additional Information

I am an Adjunct Professor at the Albers School and am teaching Strategic Management in the Fall 2023.