ruff_mike 2022.jfif

Michael Ruff

Job Title: Director Analytics and Technology
Company: Media Plus
Industry: Advertising, Technology
Mentor Since: Fall 2014
Will Mentor: Graduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

I collect and analyze data to tell a story that defines the path forward as both a practitioner and leader.

Company Description

Media Plus+ is the Pacific Northwest’s largest media planning and buying firm, locally owned and in business since 1983. Media Plus+ offers full-service strategic planning and buying across all media types including television, radio, print, out of home, digital - and more. While Media Plus+ works on media markets across the country, our strong suit is providing regional advertisers with strong regional representation.

Employment History

Diverse background in a variety of industries including warehousing/logistics, consulting, and advertising.


BA (Government & History double-major) from The College of William & Mary (2005) MBA from Seattle University (2013)

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

Plan is to tailor experience to the individual mentee(s) in terms of topics/activities. I have a wide variety of experience across industries and positions and will share anything that may be relevant and of use to mentee(s) including interviewing, resumes, career paths, advancement strategies, leadership development, etc. While I'm willing to help anyone, I can offer personal experience with veteran and LGBT matters.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

flexible, but prefer virtual meetings