
Nicole Bahr

Job Title: Product Marketing Manager
Company: HashiCorp
Industry: Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, AI Tools
Mentor Since: Fall 2018
Will Mentor: Early Career MBA
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Product Marketing Manager: building product marketing strategies with a specific focus on promoting technology partner integrations to drive revenue and customer success. A typical day includes go-to-market planning for new products, building sales enablement content, exploring new opportunities with partners, and developing product messaging for the market.

Company Description

HashiCorp products are beloved in the developer community as key components for easy cloud infrastructure automation, products that are now foundational for many of the world's largest companies in banking, finance and retail. Our platform of automation software is used by platform teams around the world to improve developer velocity, reduce risk, and optimize efficiency.

Employment History

I have a diverse background in Finance and Tech. I built indexes for the London Stock Exchange, built partnerships and cloud promotions at NGINX and F5 Networks, and have participated in multiple tech startups that focused on using tech to solve customer problems. I am fascinated by the intersection of ideas, tech and people, and I am always looking to find new ways to improve the customer experience.


Seattle University MBA University of Washington BA in Foreign Policy, Cum Laude

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

Every student has a different set of expectations from a mentor based on their own experiences, life circumstances and goals. I believe that the best way to mentor is to listen to the goals of the students first, have them define the core agenda for the year, and then search for the best speakers and content to help them realize those goals, while also collaboratively learning from each other too.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Early evenings mid-week are best, either zoom or in-person. A mixture of in-person and virtual.

Additional Information

I have been mentoring for 5+ years and every year I have learned so much from the students. I look forward to getting to learn from and collaborate with you as well, helping you move toward achieving your life goals in the company of friends.