
Robert Dinwoodie

Job Title: Director, Government Services
Company: Expeditors International
Industry: Transportation / Logistics
Mentor Since: Fall 2023
Will Mentor: Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

As the Director, Government Services I am responsible for managing Expeditors business with US government entities. My prime responsibility is to build strategy, plans and support for our US government related business. I define the strategy and vision for the US Government Services and will communicate its impact on a regional and global scale. I lead the government services team, who are experts in different facets of US Government business. I ensure the company has the tools, resources, training and guidance to ensure excellent service for our government related customers and Expeditors network.

Company Description

Expeditors is a Fortune 500 service-based logistics company with headquarters in Seattle, Washington, USA. At Expeditors, we generate highly optimized and customized supply chain solutions for our clients with unified technology systems integrated through a global network of 340+ locations in 100+ countries on six continents.

Employment History

Abbott Laboratories, 2002-2005 United States Marine Corps, 2005-2015 Expeditors International, 2015-Present


BA, History, DePauw University, 2001 MSM, Defense Systems Analysis, Naval Postgraduate School. 2011 Graduate Certificate, Cost Estimation and Analysis, Naval Postgraduate School, 2013 Executive Leadership Certificate, Seattle University, 2023 Leadership Executive MBA, Seattle University, 2023

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I am very interested in mentoring prior US military servicemembers and those looking to work in the logistics and supply chain fields. US service members have SO much to offer businesses in terms of leadership, grit, and specialized skills. What I often see is that servicemembers fail to communicate their positions, experience, and accomplishments in a language and narrative that civilians will relate. I believe I have had a successful transition from the US military into the civilian business world and can help others navigate that effectively. Also, as a director and hiring manager, I have current insights into what businesses are looking for from prospective employees.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

I will work to find times that work for myself and the mentees.