
Sankar Thangaraj

Job Title: Principal Architect
Company: T-Mobile
Industry: Telecommunications and Technology Industry
Mentor Since: Fall 2023
Will Mentor: Graduate Students, Early Career MBA
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

I'm a Principal Architect at T-Mobile

Company Description

T-Mobile US Inc (T-Mobile), a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG, is a provider of telecommunication services. The company offers wireless telecommunications services and a host of other services, including voice, text messaging, video calling, and data communications to the customers.

Employment History

Engineering leader , passion for building north star architecture, that’s highly scalable, reliable , secure and more importantly creates business value. I’ve been building large scale distributed systems for fortune 500 companies across industry verticals such as Telecommunication & media , oil & gas , travel & tourism, banking. Seasoned technology thought leader , led many digital transformation, IT modernization initiatives. Expert in strategy, architecture, consulting & software development. Led the globally distributed and diversified team. Led & mentored team of architects , dev leads & engineers. Over 20 years of global experience working in multiple countries such as India, Singapore , Bahrain, UAE, South Korea, UK & US.


Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Science

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I have a strong background in building software that delivers an exceptional digital experience. My goal is to share my experience and provide exposure to the realm of technologies that are transforming every industry. I would like to work with students on career management and professional development.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Virtual Meet