
Steve Wescott

Job Title: Director of Corporate Audit - Retired
Company: The Boeing Company
Industry: Aerospace
Mentor Since: Fall 2002
Will Mentor: Graduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Responsible for an organization that executed a risk based audit plan across Boeing Commercial , Services , Information Technology and International.

Company Description

Commercial Airplanes Products & Support , Defense Products & Support

Employment History

Boeing - 33 years Director of Audit - 12 years



Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I tailor my mentee program around the interests and needs of the mentees. I expect the mentees to be engaged and focused on career growth.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Hybrid (mix of in-person and virtual). Somewhere near Southcenter or South end of Seattle.

Additional Information

I am a Seattle University Executive Leadership Program graduate and have mentored at SU for 19 years