
Todd Dunnington

Job Title: CEO
Company: Skills Inc
Industry: Aerospace, Manufacturing, Nonprofit
Mentor Since: Fall 2005
Will Mentor: Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Early Career MBA
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Chief Executive Officer

Company Description

Skills Inc. is a large social enterprise with over 600 employees. Skills is a non-profit employing persons with disabilities in a fully integrated environment. Skills is also a AS9100 aerospace certified manufacturing company that provides manufacturing and finish services to Boeing and other aerospace primes and is a self-funding organization.

Employment History

Nonprofit management. Operations and distribution management. Mergers and Acquisitions. Institutional fund-raising for start-up capital. Managing small business growth for organizations with revenue between $5 million and $60 million.


Executive Management Program, Stanford University M.A. Speech Communications and Organizational Development, University of Washington B.A. Psychology, University of Washington

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

As a mentor, I expect students to come with questions and topics for discussion. I want the experience to be valuable to the student.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

A mixture of in-person and virtual. Coffee shop near campus or on campus.

Additional Information

Civic Involvement: Social Venture Partners, The Executive Network Seattle, Groundwire