
Melanie Hoshino

Job Title: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Manager
Company: Seattle Seahawks
Industry: Professional Sports
Mentor Since: 2023
Will Mentor: Sport & Entertainment Management, Graduate Students
Mentor Type: Sport and Entertainment


Job Description

I manage internal activations within the organization to ensure that DEI lens is a part of every aspect of our company and DEI is being thought of.

Company Description

Seattle Seahawks - Sports Team/ Entertainment

Employment History

I have been with the Seahawks for 18 years.


I graduated from UW with a bachelor's degree in Sociology.

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I have managed hundreds and hundreds of students in my career and have mentored them throughout the time I was their manager. It was always informal but daily.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

A mixture of in-person and virtual

Additional Information

I pivoted my career recently. I was in retail for over 20 plus years and started in DEI over a year ago. I have experience in all kinds of advice.