New Student Mentors

Welcome to the New Student Mentor Program, where new business and economics students are matched with junior and senior business and economics mentors. Dive into campus life, find your community, and get support and advice for academic decisions and involvement in student clubs from your dedicated mentor.

Welcome New Albers Students!

The purpose of the New Student Mentor Program is to connect you with peer mentors who are junior and senior business and economics students. New Student Mentors help you get involved on campus to find community and foster a sense of belonging. Your peer mentor also supports you in your academic journey if you need advice on how to study for college-rigor courses, which business major to declare, future careers, which student clubs to get involved in, and anything else you might have questions about!

You are encouraged to lean on your peer mentor as the first point of contact for support and guidance as you transition to college. Let's get involved and stay connected!

Mission, Vision, and Values

Students sitting on a lawn


To enhance the first-year college experience by building a community to foster a sense of belonging, to promote academic success, and to shape our students into principled business leaders by strengthening their personal growth and professional development.

Chihuly glass statue in Pigott building


An inclusive, safe, and friendly environment to onboard and mentor business and economics students throughout their first year at Albers.

Students attending a lecture


Diversity, Inclusion, Service, Community, and Knowledge.

  • Diversity: Committed to voicing and serving traditionally underrepresented groups to
    fight the inequity in education.
  • Inclusion: Making space at the table for those who come from unique and nontraditional backgrounds. Your value will not go unrecognized here.
  • Service: Through sharing our time, talent, and passion, we hope to positively impact the future leaders of the world, so they too do the same.
  • Community: Once a Redhawk, always a Redhawk. Our students will always have a home at Albers and Seattle University.
  • Knowledge: Education and life experiences are emphasized and shared from a peer-mentor to mentee perspective and vice versa to promote success and excellence.