Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry provides programs and events for all types of exploration and helps you connect to your spiritual and/or religious tradition.
Commitment to the Students
We are committed to hospitality and serving all students. We provide many opportunities for you to grow spiritually, learn more about yourself, share your gifts and talents, encounter and dialogue across difference and build community with others. In addition to a fun, educational and engaging Catholic ministry, there are opportunities for students from all faith or spiritual backgrounds: Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, those who identify as spiritual but not religious and those questioning. We welcome the experiences, tensions and gifts of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer persons in the Seattle University community.
We honor our diversity as people made in the image and likeness of God by offering hospitality to all. Whatever your background or identity, whatever questions you may be exploring in your life, you have a place in Campus Ministry.
What Campus Ministers Aim to Do
Cares for students by engaging with them in one-to-one relationship Invites students into community Fosters a culture of prayer, faith, and discernment and invites students to contemplate their relationship to the transcendent Expands students’ awareness of justice and faith perspectives Call and form students into authentic leadership Provide sacramental ministry to the Seattle University community Promote the Catholic, Jesuit character of the University
A More Just and Humane World
Campus Ministry celebrates the gifts and talents of all our students and encourages each of you to use these talents in a way that builds up the communities to which you belong on campus and in the world. We are here to support and encourage you as we all join in asking life’s big are the joyful and challenging moments of life, and be conversation partners with you as you live your values on campus and beyond. We sincerely hope that you will engage your academic, social, and spiritual experience
Welcoming and creating a safe space for all
Campus Ministry fiercely and lovingly welcomes all LGBTQIA2S+ people, affirming every person’s inherent dignity and belovedness. As proud members of the community and allies in solidarity, we see to raise our collective voice on LGBTQIA2S+ justice issues.
If you are looking for opportunities to bring faith into conversation with questions of gender and sexuality, we hope you will find fruitful community and support in some of our offerings.
Meet the Campus Ministers
Donate to Campus Ministry
Please consider giving a general gift to Campus Ministry or donate to a specific area of programming that aligns with your own interests. Thank you for your generosity!