The Center for Change in Transition Services (CCTS) is Washington state's technical assistance center for secondary transition planning and post-school outcome data.
Our Mission
CCTS works to empower educators and administrators to improve transition services for youth with disabilities through partnerships, research, and training.
CCTS is funded by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction as part of the Inclusionary Practices Technical Assistance Network (IPTN). We're located at Seattle University in the College of Education.
What We Provide
Secondary Transition Training
Training and technical assistance focusing on practices in student-centered transition planning
Post-School Outcome (PSO) Data
State, ESD, county, and district-level PSO data provide insights into postsecondary activities for youth who received special education services while in high school
Transition Planning Resources & Materials
Designed for Washington state educators, administrators, agency staff, youth with disabilities, and families/caregivers
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Stay connected with CCTS by subscribing to our quarterly newsletters.
Inclusionary Practices Technical Assistance Network (IPTN)
The IPTN envisions a future where every student in Washington state has improved access to rigorous and standards-based instruction and improved postsecondary outcomes based on their strengths, preferences, goals, and needs.
Aim Statement
The IPTN will provide high-quality guidance, technical assistance, and professional development resources to districts to disrupt segregated systems of disproportionality and reduce exclusionary practices in Washington state schools.
This will result in improved student outcomes, with an additional focus on the outcomes and the inclusion of students currently in Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) 3 and Black students with disabilities.
Learn more about the IPTN
Visit the OSPI website to learn more about the Inclusionary Practices Technical Assistance Network (IPTN) members and available resources.
Our Team
Meg Iyer, PhD
University Internship Supervisor (SPSY)
Special Education Transition Specialist
Center for Change in Transition Services (CCTS)
Elaine Marcinek
Principal Investigator and Director
Center for Change in Transition Services (CCTS)