The Quality Indicators for Secondary Transition (QuIST) is a program improvement tool designed for districts to self-evaluate their transition services for students with disabilities.
QuIST Overview
The Quality Indicators for Secondary Transition (QuIST) is a free program improvement tool developed by CCTS. It enables school districts to self-evaluate their transition services for students with disabilities. It is not used for compliance monitoring.
Districts can complete the QuIST using a computer-scored Excel workbook. The workbook includes formulas that autocalculate the results and display them on a summary scoresheet.
- Download QuIST Excel Workbook, 2019
QuIST results can help school districts gain a common understanding of what constitutes quality programming and best practice in secondary special education and transition. The process of completing the QuIST promotes planning and continuous improvement to increase post-school outcomes for students.
The QuIST is based on Dr. Paula D. Kohler’s Taxonomy for Transition Programming framework (1996). It focuses on five domains, and each domain includes a series of indicators. Using the scale of Almost Always, Frequently, Sometimes, or Almost Never, districts rate how often each indicator is incorporated into their transition practices.
- School-Based Activities
- Work-Based Learning
- System Support
- Family Involvement
- Agency Connections
Sample Indicators:
- Provide information to students and parents regarding transition services, postsecondary training, employment, and support services, and their role in the IEP/transition process.
- Provide community work experiences that emphasize “real” work opportunities.
- Use post-school data to establish goals and to make program decisions.
- Seek student, parent, and community information regarding the student’s postsecondary goals and transition services.
- Use an interagency team process with students and families to link transition services, accommodations, and supports.
CCTS recommends that the QuIST is completed at least once a year by a team of four or more school district personnel, including but not limited to:
- Special Education Teacher(s)
- Special Education Administration
- Support Personnel: Counselor, Psychologist, Transition Specialist
- Building Administration
- CTE/Career Education Staff
- Student or family, if possible