Blended Flow Toolkit

Discover tools to achieve the right flow between online and classroom sessions in hybrid courses.

Achieve the Right Flow in your Hybrid Courses

Blended Flow iconThe CDLI Blended Flow Toolkit is a set of resources to help you achieve the right "flow" between online and classroom sessions in blended/hybrid courses.

The toolkit presents an inquiry-based progression that's flexible enough to help you design entire modules, or just one transition between online and classroom learning. Ideas for activities and assessments are provided at each stage of student inquiry. In addition, there are tool ideas to help you think about how to accomplish each activity online and in the classroom.

Get the Toolkit

In order to get a copy of the Blended Flow Toolkit and related resources, please contact CDLI to receive a copy.

Blended Flow Toolkit In The News

Innovating with Purpose

Documentation of the process and goals of this project was published in 2018 as an EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) Brief.

Blended Learning Toolkit on the Horizon

The Blended Flow Toolkit was highlighted in the 2019 Horizon Report, which is the definitive survey of technology trends in higher education.

Email CDLI to Get the Blended Flow Toolkit