Online Discussions Doctor

Discover CDLI’s diagnostic tool for improving lackluster online discussions.

Ailments and Remedies for Online Discussion Boards

Online Discussions Doctor iconThe Online Discussions Doctor: 13 Fixes for Your Forum Fails (PDF) is a diagnostic tool for improving lackluster asynchronous, forum-based discussions. It’s intended to help you answer the question, “Why aren’t my online discussions as lively, fruitful and deep as my classroom discussions?”

This tool can also serve as a guide even if you’re completely new to facilitating online discussions. The “remedies” for preventing forum fails are summaries of best practices based on educational research. Browsing through the ailments and their remedies will familiarize you with common pitfalls and strengths of online discussions, even if you don’t yet have a particular nagging online discussion problem.

Contact CDLI to request the Online Discussions Doctor PDF