A group of people sitting on grass in a park.

CEIE at Seattle University

The Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement (CEIE) at Seattle University is rooted in a Jesuit, Catholic commitment to ecumenical and interreligious engagement, spiritual and indigenous pathways, and to cultural wisdom.

Explore Our Engagement

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CEIE Leadership

CEIE at Seattle University places a high value on leadership by integrating the student experience through our student affiliate program. We integrate trusted long-term contractors, staff and faculty fellows, SU alumni ambassadors, and an expansive advisory council. CEIE includes a Coordinator, Assistant Director, and our Founding Director-Spehar-Halligan Professor.

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CEIE Scholarship

CEIE is dedicated to the Ignation sensibility for "finding God in all things," gathering faculty and practitioners to address moral, societal, and leadership challenges at the margins of society through interdisciplinary scholarly projects. Our most recent project, Gratitude, Injury, and Repair in a Pandemic Age is now available for pre-order through Georgetown University Press.

A group of people sitting on grass.

Leadership Academy

The Leadership Academy at CEIE draws upon the Ignatian principles of values discernment, personal action, and individual and collective transformation. When we cultivate a sense of core purpose, awareness and wisdom grow, as does our leadership in responsibility to ourselves, to our communities, to the spaces where we work, and to the places we call home.

View This Month's Message

This month's message comes from CEIE Assistant Director Rev. Dr. Kara Markell.

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View Our Annual Report

Learn more about CEIE Leadership, Scholarship, Constituencies and Future Engagement in our 2024-2025 Annual Report.

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100% of your Financial Gift supports core operations at CEIE. Your gift allows us to hire student employees, increase scholarships to worthy students, employ top-tier instructors and facilitators, and to create programming that supports the strategic objectives and initiatives that you value at CEIE.