Phillip Thompson

Yolanda Cieters

CEJS Interns


A headshot of Nikki outside while holding a large bouquet of flowers
Nikki Bashaw | Program Assistant Intern

Environmental Studies, specializing in Urban Sustainability 

Nikki is a junior from Naperville, Illinois, pursuing a major in Environmental Studies with a specialization in Urban Sustainability. Working on a produce farm at a young age, she developed an appreciation for sustainability and the natural environment. At Seattle University, her time with the Grounds Department and Outdoor Recreation Program amplified her desire to engage with urban sustainability. Nikki hopes to combine her outdoor and agricultural experience with environmental education to serve as a steward within the local community. Besides her CEJS internship, Nikki will this year also serve as a SUstainability delegate on SGSU (student government), and focus on advocating for sustainable advancements on campus and supporting initiatives that encourage action for environmental justice.

A headshot of Julieta outside
Julieta Dentone 
Environmental Studies 
Public Affairs with a specialization in Urban Sustainability

Julieta is a fourth-year double major in Environmental Studies and Public Affairs with a specialization in Urban Sustainability. She is excited to work towards a more sustainable SU and directly impacting and improving our campus! This academic year Julieta will also serve as a sustainability delegate at SGSU. In this role, she will inform the student body of any sustainable updates and events happening at the university. Julieta is thrilled to be working with other student leaders on campus and to support each other to foster a better campus overall!

A headshot of Brooke outside
Brooke Kierzek 
Civil Engineering

Brooke is a Junior from Apple Valley, Minnesota, majoring in Civil Engineering. Her love of the natural world bloomed by spending endless amounts of time by the lakes in northern Minnesota. This love and admiration for freshwater ecosystems is what made her purse a major in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. If Brooke is not around the Seattle University campus, you can often find her at Volunteer Park, the Washington Park Arboretum or at the Capitol Hill Farmers Market. She hopes to blend her passion of environmental conservation with her technical education in engineering.

A headshot of Anna outside
Anna Trudo  
Environmental Studies with a specialization in Urban Sustainability

Anna is a senior from Houston, Texas, majoring in Environmental Studies with a specialization in Urban Sustainability with a minor in Latinx Studies. Her appreciation for nature began by swimming in local rivers and lakes from a young age and grew as she travelled across the US along with different countries, being able to see all the different beauty the world has to offer. After graduation, she wants to improve the way people live in the natural world and strive for a new sustainable future. 

Contact Us

Center for Environmental Justice & Sustainability

901 12th Avenue, Bannan Center BANN#480