Our Team
The CEJS Team
Yolanda Cieters | Interim Director
Yolanda joined Seattle University in 2015 where she serves as Associate Director of sustainability. In this role, she collaborates with faculty, staff, students, and external stakeholders to plan, assess, and improve SU’s climate action and sustainability performance. She is the recipient of the 2018 Seattle University Lee Thurber Outstanding Staff Award. Since 2022, Yolanda serves as co-chair of Seattle University's Laudato Si Action Platform (LSAP).
Dr. Tanya Hayes | Provost Fellow for the Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability
Professor Hayes (Chair, Department of Public Affairs and Nonprofit Leadership; Director, Environmental Studies program) is the 2024-2025 Provost Fellow for the Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability. In this role, she will work in partnership with faculty and staff from across the University to think about ways to expand SU’s sustainability and environmental justice teaching, scholarship, and service, both on campus and via community partnerships in our region and beyond.
Frances Pappajohn-Goldade | Student Program Assistant and Communications Coordinator
Frances is a third year Civil Engineering major with an environmental specialization, and a Humanitarian Engineering minor. She is from Minneapolis, MN, and one of her favorite outdoor places is the Boundary Waters in MN. This year, as part of her role at CEJS , Frances will serve as the Sustainability Delegate for SGSU. She is looking forward to doing some more hiking in the PNW this year.
Contact Us
Center for Environmental Justice & Sustainability
901 12th Avenue, Bannan Center BANN #480