• LSAP Goal 3 Ecological Economics
  • LSAP Goal 4 Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles
  • 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 12 Responsible Consumption and Production

About this Course

Although numerical data are a principal source of information for making decisions, in order to reach truly comprehensive decisions it is fundamental that analysts be capable of understanding more than just the numbers. It is important also to understand how a system works, to be aware of and willing to consider non-quantifiable aspects of the problem and be cognizant of the many behavioral biases and failures that afflict human analysts and decision makers. The goal of this course is to help students achieve this broader understanding of decision problems, and also to discuss and illustrate the application of selected instruments of strategic thinking, such as: (1) analysis of a business' external/environmental factors; (2) industry-specific analysis, including Porter's Five Forces model and industry value-chain analysis; and (3) resource-based value analysis of a business. Thus prepared, students will have a better chance to design creative, value-driven, and holistic decisions to the problems they will face.