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Maria Carl, PhD

Associate Professor, Philosophy
Director, Ethics Minor


Dr. Maria Carl received her Ph.D. in philosophy from Marquette University in 1989. She held tenure track appointments at Skidmore College and at Villanova University prior to joining the faculty at Seattle University in 1996. Her areas of specialization are Ethics, Medieval Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy, Kant, and the Philosophy of Law. She is Chair of the Department of Philosophy and coordinator for the Ethics, Law, and Justice specialization in the Philosophy major.

At Seattle University, she has taught Ancient Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, Modern Philosophy, Honors Medieval Philosophy and Theology, Kant, Virtue Ethics, Philosophy of Law, Introduction to Philosophy, Philosophy of the Human Person, Ethics, Communication Ethics, and Healthcare Ethics. She has taught in Matteo Ricci College, University Honors, Medieval Studies, Catholic Studies, Core Honors, Women and Gender Studies, and Diversity, Citizenship and Social Justice. She received the College of Arts and Sciences award for Outstanding Teaching in 2002.