Wai-Shun Hung, PhD
Associate Professor, Philosophy
PhD, University of Cambridge, 2001
BA, MA, MPhil, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Selected Publications
“What Is Literature? Revisited: Sartre on the Language of Literature,” Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, vol. 46 (2015), no. 1
"'No Recipe for the Visible': The Theory of Linear Perspective in Merleau-Ponty's 'Eye and Mind'," Philosophy Today, vol. 57 (2013), no. 2
"Sartre on Mallarmé and the Language of Literature" (in Chinese), Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, vol. 4 (2010)
"Maurice Merleau-Ponty," entry in The Literary Encyclopedia (http://www.LitEncyc.com), 2007, 2009
"Perception and Self-Awareness in Merleau-Ponty," The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, vol. 5 (2005)
"La Critique de l'intériorité chez Merleau-Ponty: une lecture de la Phénoménologie de la Perception," Les Temps Modernes, No. 599 (1998)
Michel Foucault, La Pensée du dehors, Chinese translation with introduction and notes (Taipei: Flâneur, 2003, 2006)