2017 Mission Examen

To the Seattle University Community:

On behalf of my visiting team colleagues, I want to express how grateful we are for the detailed work that your community has put into the Institutional Examen process. Your candor, commitment, and institutional pride come through very clearly in this document. We look forward to experiencing your community for ourselves over our two-day visit.

Our hope is to accompany you during these visit days using the style and spirit of the Ignatian Examen, adapted to our shared community conversations. The choice of this term, both for our visit ;and for your own reflections, is intentional—as it grounds our process in gratitude for our Jesuit character, and emphasizes that this is not designed as an accreditation or assessment exercise, which can occasionally become adversarial, but instead as a mutual reflection.

As a result, you can expect us to engage each listening session with questions such as...

  • What are you most grateful for in the ways Seattle U. lives out its Jesuit, Catholic identity and mission values?
  • What aspirations and hopes do you have to enhance the lived experience of these mission values in the future?
  • In what ways might you work toward the Magis, “the greater good,” for Seattle U. students and those who guide and work with them?

Our Examen visiting team is comprised of colleagues active in key mission programs at fellow Jesuit institutions.

  • Edward Peck, Ph.D. is Vice President for University Mission and Identity at John Carroll University in Cleveland, OH. It might help you to know that we went through this same process last year around this time. It was a very informative and rewarding process.
  • Fr. Robert Caro, S.J., Ph.D. is Vice President for Mission and Ministry and Emeritus Professor of English at Loyola Marymount University.
  • Eileen Burke-Sullivan, STD, is Vice-Provost for Mission and Ministry and Associate Professor of Theology at Creighton University.

We look forward to learning from and with you during our visit days together later this week. If I can assist you or respond to any questions or suggestions you may have before or during our time at Seattle U., please let me know.


Edward J. Peck, Ph.D.,
Visiting Team Chair

Other Supporting Documents from the 2017 Mission Examen