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Margit McGuire, PhD

Professor, Teacher Education (MIT)


Margit McGuire CV 2020

Research and Teaching Interests

Dr. McGuire’s research focuses on elementary and middle school social studies pedagogy. Through this research, she has developed the Storypath Program designed to integrate literacy and social studies into meaningful learning particularly for students in high needs schools. Building on this research, she has adapted the Storypath Program for preschools with an emphasis on cooperation and problem solving. Her primary teaching focus has been with preservice teachers teaching a wide range of topics from social studies methods, foundations of teaching, and culturally relevant teaching.


Margit E. McGuire is Professor of Teacher Education at Seattle University and former president of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and a recipient of the Washington Award for Excellence in Teacher Preparation. She has presented nationally and internationally on topics related to social studies and teacher preparation. Her leadership positions have included the National Geographic Literacy Council, NAEP Civics Advisory Board, and chairperson of the Elementary Social Studies Framework for Washington’s Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Currently she is serving on the Washington Commission of Charter Schools. She is the author of the Storypath Program and recently co-edited, the NCSS Bulletin, Making a Difference: Revitalizing Elementary Social Studies.

Recent Grants and Awards

2015 Distinguished Alumnus for Yakima Valley Community College McGoldrick Award, 2009 (Awarded annually by the university president for distinguished teaching, commitment to students, and exemplifying the values of the Jesuit educational tradition)



McGuire. M.E. (2018). Two worlds collide: Columbus & the Taíno. Culver City, CA: Social Studies School Service.

McGuire. M.E. (2016). The Transcontinental Railroad: The Chinese experience from gold mountain to golden spike. Culver City, CA: Social Studies School Service.

McGuire, M.E. (2017, November). Beyond textbook civics. Educational Leadership. 75(3), pp.44-45.

Morris, T., et al. (2017). Integrating social studies and social skills for students with emotional and behavioral disabilities: A mixed methods study. The Journal of Social Studies Research, jssr.2017.04.

Stevahn, L.& McGuire, M.E. (2017): The plot thickens: supporting pre-service teachers in authentic use of cooperative learning through the Storypath instructional approach, Journal of Education for Teaching, DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2017.1321674.

McGuire, M.E., Walker, B, Grant, T. (2016, March/April). Engaging diverse learners with academic and social challenges, Social Studies and the Young Learner. 28(4), pp. 5-8.