Research Practice


"Research practice" refers to the process of conducting and publishing research, rather than to the topic of the research.

The Center for Faculty Development helps faculty think through their strategies and approaches to conducting and writing up their research; in line with the Center's research-based approached to our work, we use the growing "research on research" to focus on such areas as:

  • Developing and maintaining a writing habit

  • Time management for completing research

  • Targeting journals and publishers

  • Working with editors and responding to reviewers' comments

In detail

Our support for SU faculty members' research practice includes the following activities:

In addition, the Center for Faculty Development funds an institutional membership to the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) that provides a further array of support to help faculty boost their scholarly productivity while improving their life-work balance.

From 2008–2013, we also ran an annual Writing Retreat for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). As funding allows, we may run another writing retreat in the future. Keep an eye on our current events to find out what is currently on offer. 

Group consultations 

  • Setting up disciplinary writing groups
  • Working with editors and responding to reviewers' comments
  • Writing partnerships

Individual consultations  

  • Developing and maintaining a writing habit
  • Time management for completing research
  • Targeting journals and publishers
  • Working with editors and responding to reviewers' comments
  • Developing a research agenda
  • Conveying your research agenda to people outside your field

Hear from a Faculty colleague

Associate Professor

"Support from the Center was transformative for me: During my sabbatical I have finished two books and started a third. I wouldn't have achieved this without regular meetings with the Center throughout the school year."

End-of-year survey, 2021-22

Research PracticeSpotlight

Old typewriter with blank paper in it

Faculty "Writing" Groups

Accountability & camaraderie to boost your scholarship