Matching Gifts: Multiply Your Impact

Find out if your employer has a matching gift program

Every time you make a gift to Seattle University, your money could be matched, doubled, or even tripled by your employer if the company participates in a matching gift program. 

Matching gifts are an opportunity to enhance your gift's impact on Seattle University students and programs. This can be done effortlessly by filling out a matching gifts form for your employer. By taking a few moments to match your gift, you can ensure that your generosity multiplies tomorrow and beyond.

How do I get started?

Matching a gift to Seattle University takes three easy steps:

  • STEP 1: Contact your employer’s human resources department to see if they offer a matching gift program, or use our search tool:
  • STEP 2: Obtain a matching gift program form from your human resources department
  • STEP 3: Complete the form and send it in with your next gift to Seattle University

Maximizing your impact toward the campus causes you care about is that easy!

How do I submit my gift?

Mail your completed gift form along with your gift to:

Seattle University Gift Processing Office
901 12th Ave
P.O. Box 222000
Seattle WA, 98122

For questions relating to matching gifts, contact Seattle University Gift Processing at 206-296-6100 or email