Learn more about upcoming events

Current and upcoming programs provide students, faculty & staff and the public with a range of immersive indigenous cultural experiences and information.

Indigenous Peoples Institute

Lushootseed Lecture Series

We are excited to renew the Lushootseed Lecture Series for the community in Winter 2025. This series invites tribal members, Indigenous people, and other scholars to speak about the Lushootseed language, its cultural importance and what it has to teach us.  Past topics have included “"Living Legends: Lushootseed Stories in My Work and Life", “On Rich Soil” and “Walking in the Footsteps of the Ancestors: Coast Salish Artists"

We will announce the Winter 2025 lecture series on this page in October.

Elders in Residence Program

Many cultures are gifted with the strong presence of Aunties and Uncles. Men and women who support younger people, offer up wisdom and pass on traditions. You may have grown up with the care and counsel of elders. We know that often Native American and Indigenous students feel adrift from their families and their roots as they attend university. Our Elders in Residence are our local Aunties and Uncles – can provide you with wisdom and a sense of home. Elders also work with students on projects and have collaborated on creating shawls and beadwork in the past.   

We are pleased to announce that after a lengthy hiatus, this exceptional program will reopen in Winter 2025. Check back here in October for a list of elders participating in the program and information on how to participate.