Catholic Intellectual Tradition

The ICTC's "Catholic Intellectual Tradition" section features events that explore the rich interplay between Catholic thought and broader intellectual currents. This section invites participants to engage with various aspects of Catholic intellectual heritage through lectures, discussions, and scholarly presentations. These events are designed to foster a deeper understanding of how Catholic traditions intersect with contemporary issues and scholarship.

Promotional flyer of Cathonomics Reading Group. On the left, there is the cover of the book Cathonomics by Anthony M Annett. On the right, there is information about the event. This information is the same as the following:Cathonomics Reading Group

Join ICTC and faculty from across disciplines in reading and discussing Cathonomics by Anthony M. Arnett. Cathonomics is an ethical and practical guide to readers of all faiths and backgrounds seeking to create a world economy that is more prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable for all. Annett unites insights in economics with those from theology, philosophy, climate science, and psychology, exposing the failures of neoliberalism while offering us a new model rooted in the wisdom of Catholic social teaching and classical ethical traditions. Read more about the book and author here.

Three sessions:

  • Session 1: Tuesday, February 28, 12:30-1:45pm

Facilitated by Dr. Michael Jaycox, Associate Professor, Theology and Religious Studies

  • Session 2: Wednesday, April 5, 12:30-1:45pm

Facilitated by Dr. Jason Wirth, Professor and Chair, Philosophy

  • Session 3: Tuesday, May 2, 12-1:15pm

Facilitated by Dr. Jessica Imanaka, Associate Professor, Management (Albers School of Business and Economics) and Philosophy

An Introduction to the Catholic Intellectual Tradition event header

An Introduction to the Catholic Intellectual Tradition

Fr. Michael Raschko, PhD, Professor Emeritus

Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Hunthausen 110

Fr. Michael Raschko, Professor Emeritus, returns to SU for this special lecture! Open to all, we hope this opportunity will enhance and expand upon your understanding of the the Catholic Intellectual Tradition in your work and studies. Fr. Raschko will look at the two major ways Christianity has engaged Western culture; trace in large strokes how that engagement took place up to the Reformation; and conclude by examining some of the ways Catholicism engaged Western culture when the institutional Church refused to do so.