The Chapel of St. Ignatius is Seattle University's main chapel and primarily hosts our Roman Catholic liturgies.

A building with a pool of water.

Welcome to the Chapel of St. Ignatius, feel free to explore some of the chapels offerings. 

Chapel Hours

Sundays: 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. & Mondays-Fridays: 12:30 p.m.

The Chapel is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, closed on Saturdays except for scheduled events, and open immediately before and after our Sunday Masses.

Lent Offerings 

Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving—an opportunity to draw closer to God and reflect on Christ’s sacrifice for us. To help deepen our prayer and reflection during this season, we invite you to participate in our Lenten offerings here at the Chapel of St. Ignatius:

  • On Mondays at 1:15 p.m., following Daily Mass, join Rekindled in praying the Rosary, a time to meditate on the mysteries of Christ’s life and seek Mary’s intercession.
  • On Fridays at 1:15 p.m., following Daily Mass, we will pray the Stations of the Cross, walking with Jesus in his journey to Calvary.
  • On Wednesday evenings, March 12 and March 19, at 6:00 p.m., we will gather for a Taizé Prayer Service, an opportunity for meditative prayer, silence, and song in a peaceful, candlelit setting.
  • Novena of Grace: Cultivating Seeds of Hope - Join the Ignatian Spirituality Center this Lent for a one-hour-a-day retreat amid daily life April 1-9. The Novena of Grace consists of nine days of beautiful music, scripture, inspiring preaching, reflection, and heartfelt prayer within the context of a contemplative prayer service. The retreat will be held in-person once a day at Seattle University’s Chapel of St. Ignatius, as well as streaming online. Free to attend. All are welcome!

Holy Week Schedule

  • 4/13:  Palm Sunday - 11a.m and 5p.m.
  • 4/17:  Holy Thursday - 7p.m.
  • 4/18:  Good Friday - 3p.m.
  • 4/19:  Easter Vigil - 9p.m.
  • 4/20:  Easter Sunday - 11a.m.


A life full of service and justice

Click down below to learn more about St. Ignatius


In 1491, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit order), was born Inigo de Loyola to a wealthy Basque family near Azpeitia, Spain. In his youth he often attended the court of Ferdinand and Isabella and was known to engage in worldly indulgences and the darker intrigues common to young courtiers of his day. In 1517 Ignatius joined the army of the Duke of Najera where he was wounded in 1521 suffering severe leg wounds.

During a long period of recovery he endured great physical pain and forced to be bedridden. While adjusting to this new lifestyle, Ignatius read texts describing the life of Christ and the lives of the saints. He became fascinated with the pious deeds of the saints and realized it was a greater thing to compete with their acts of faith than to complete with soldiers in the manly arts of war. Later, at the altar of the Virgin Mary in a Benedictine monastery in Montserrat, Ignatius hung up his sword and rededicated his life to the service of God. 

Ignatius experienced several visions and recorded what he learned in The Spiritual Exercises, a tract describing techniques of prayer and spiritual focus. He then traveled to Paris to study theology and the humanities from 1528 to 1535; Ignatius was ordained in 1537. In 1534, Ignatius and six other men founded the Society of Jesus, all taking vows of chastity, poverty, and loyalty to the Pope. In 1540 Pope Paul III approved the order with a membership limit of 60 men, and in 1544 this limit was lifted.   

Ignatius led the order during its first sixteen years as the group grew to some 1000 members. During his life he served as a mentor to later influential Jesuits such as Saint Peter Faber and Saint Francis Xavier. He established the constitution for his order. This constitution established precedents in both the form and function of such constitutions for later orders. He charged the order to educate the young and ignorant of all classes, establish foreign missions, and to minister to the sick and imprisoned. Ignatius was beatified by Paul V on July 27, 1609. He was canonized on May 22, 1622 by Gregory XV. The Feast of Saint Ignatius of Loyola is on July 31. 

Reflection and Discernment

Ignatius Painting