Counseling Services

Learn more about short-term individual counseling sessions offered by the CAPS office.

A leather counseling chair sitting empty in front of a window.

Individual Counseling

The primary service CAPS offers is our short-term, individual counseling, which is free for enrolled Seattle University students. Individual therapy provides students with the opportunity to identify, explore, and work through problems with a licensed clinician.  A therapist can help students enhance general coping skills and enable students to deal more effectively with personal problems and the normal challenges of life during undergraduate, graduate, or professional school.

CAPS therapists work within a short-term model; the number of sessions you have is based on clinical need determined by the therapist and the individual student. In order to provide counseling and psychological services to as many students as possible, we are not able to accommodate those who need or desire more frequent or ongoing psychotherapy. We can help you identify appropriate therapists and mental health professionals in the community. Visit our Case Management page to learn more. 

If you would like to make an appointment for scheduled individual counseling or learn more about our policies, visit the Appointments & Policies page. 

What Concerns Does CAPS Individual Counseling Address? 

The CAPS staff assists students in making a plan of action to address a wide variety of concerns. Depending on the concern, individual counseling or urgent hours may be the most appropriate service. The concerns CAPS staff have addressed include but are not limited to:

  • Adjusting to college/homesickness
  • Academic concerns (test anxiety, motivation, career uncertainties)
  • Self-esteem
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationship concerns
  • Family conflicts
  • Roommate conflicts
  • Alcohol and drug use
  • Disordered eating concerns
  • Coping with loss
  • Loneliness and isolation
  • Sexuality
  • Identity
  • Coping with disability or chronic illness
  • Mental health
  • Sexual abuse, sexual assault
  • Relationship violence