Students, Share Your Creativity

Undergraduate and graduate research and artistic endeavors will be on display at the Student Research and Creativity Conference (SRCCon) this spring.

Explore among the best in undergraduate and graduate research and artistic works at Seattle University at the Student Research and Creativity Conference (SRCCon). Previously the Seattle University Undergraduate Research Association Conference, SRCCon is happening on Friday, May 10, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. at various locations across campus.

Students are encouraged to submit their research, artistic endeavors and creative works to present at the conference online. All graduate and undergraduate students are welcome to present. Students may submit a poster or oral presentation, as well as creative works such as an art exhibit, poetry reading, film screening or performance. 

The deadline for submissions is April 15.

Learn more about the conference.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024