Subawards & Contracts

In accordance with the  Contract Review & Approval Policy, all contracts funded with external funds must be approved by OSP prior to routing it for execution by either the contractor or SU’s designated signatory

What is a subaward?

Subawards are the contracting mechanism issued to subrecipients of your grant funds. A subrecipient is an external collaborator(s) whom contributes to the scientific or programmatic agenda and decision-making of your sponsored project. 

What is a subcontract?

Subcontracts are contracts issued to an individual or entity hired in a professional capacity to provide specific expertise in the technical area of the project or provide a specific service necessary to carry out the project for a specified period of time under a sponsored agreement. SU has the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not what will be done and how it will be done.

To help determine if an external individual or entity is a subaward or subcontract, please complete the Subrecipient or Contractor Checklist or contact the OSP.


Relationship/ Role/ Characteristics

Decision Making Authority

Agreement type

Pay type

Related Policies & Forms

Subaward/ subrecipient

External institution or organization where the collaborating co-PI or key personnel is employed

Has responsibility for programmatic decision-making

Subaward Agreement



Invoiced per contract; typically cost reimbursable at SU

Consultant or

Independent contractor

An individual hired in a professional capacity to provide specific expertise in the technical area of the project or provide a specific service necessary to carry out the project for a specified period of time under a sponsored agreement. 

SU has the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not what will be done and how it will be done.






Independent Contractor Agreement + insurance certificate + W-9

Via Independent Contractor form in ProcureSU


An recipient/individual participating in an educational training for a particular term as specified in their MOU. No deliverable or responsibilities are required of the Fellow. Fellows may include students, scholars, and scientists from other institutions, individuals from the private sector, teachers and state or local government personnel. Employees of the Seattle University are not eligible to receive participant support.


Participant Agreement (MOU) + W-9

Via Independent Contractor form in ProcureSU


Participant/ Trainee

The recipient, not the provider, of a service or training associated with a workshop, conference, seminar, symposium or other short-term instructional or information-sharing activity.  Participants may include students, scholars, and scientists from other institutions, individuals from the private sector, teachers and state or local government personnel. Employees of the Seattle University are not eligible to receive participant support.


Participant Agreement (MOU) + W-9

Via Independent Contractor form in ProcureSU


Provides procured goods - no contract, no flow-throughs (though purchase must be allowable)


Quote (as required by procurement policies)

Via ProcureSU with back up documentation (invoice or other)

Subaward Processes

A subaward is the contracting mechanism issued to the collaborating entity (not an individual), typically (but not exclusively) another institution of higher education. The collaborator is a subawardee also know as subrecipient (vs. a contractor) when they have shared programmatic decision-making responsibilities with Seattle University's Principal Investigator (PI). 

It is the PI's responsibility to coordinate with their collaborator regarding the technical components of their project, reviewing and approving invoices prior to payment to ensure that the work has been completed as described, and to obtain the necessary reports or information in order to meet the sponsor's reporting requirements.

Including a subaward in your proposal
  1. If the relationship with your collaborator is unclear, please contact OSP and complete the Subrecipient or Contractor Checklist
  2. If determined to be a subrecipient, please request the OSP/contracts administrator contact information from your collaborator and provide to your Sponsored Research Officer.
  3. The collaborator will be required to provide a completed and signed Subrecipient Commitment Form due to OSP at least 5 business days in advance of the sponsor deadline, or with your proposal package to your college/division - whichever deadline is sooner. 
    1. This form must include a brief statement of work
Budgeting for the subaward
  1. When your collaborator's scope of work is determined, request a line item budget and budget justification from them. This must be received as soon as possible as it will become part of the Seattle University budget.
    1. Be sure to communicate any budget limitations and/or restrictions
  2. Enter their total cost (direct and indirect costs) into your budget spreadsheet.
    1. If the the sponsor is a federal agency, the subrecipient has the right to include their federally negotiated indirect costs.

The OSP is a resource throughout this process - please contact us early and often!

Once an award is received, the subaward must be issued to your collaborator. The subaward must be included in the proposal and budget, and approved by the sponsor. If you are seeking to add a subaward after the prime award (agreement from the sponsor) has been issued, it must be pre-approved by the sponsor.

Following your New Award Orientation:

  1. the Associate Controller will conduct a risk assessment to determine the level of monitoring required for this subrecipient.
  2. Our Grant Management Specialist (GMS) will draft the subaward agreement per the approved scope of work, budget and timeline. The conditions of the prime award (from the sponsor) will be incorporated into the subaward as they "flow-down" and are applicable to the subrecipient.The subaward will be issued to your collaborator's institution and must be signed by their Authorized Organizational Representative.
  3. Once the subaward is executed, the GMS set them up as a vendor in ProcureSU and will set up a declining PO for the total contract value so that payments can be expedited when the first invoice is received.
  4. The GMS will process invoices for payment, after obtaining review and approval from the PI

On an ongoing basis, it is the PI's responsibility to coordinate with their collaborator regarding the technical components of their project, reviewing and approving invoices prior to payment to ensure that the work has been completed as described, and to obtain the necessary reports or information in order to meet the sponsor's reporting requirements.

When an invoice is received:

  1. The PI must review and approve each invoice for payment after confirming (either through knowledge of the collaborator's progress or a report) that the work has been completed as described on the invoice.
  2. Submit the invoice through ProcureSU for payment under the declining PO for this contract.

On an annual basis, the Associate Controller will conduct an annual review in alignment with this subrecipient's risk assessment monitoring plan as determined at the contract execution stage.

Subcontracting Processes

Subcontracts are contracts issued to individual hired in a professional capacity to provide specific expertise in the technical area of the project or provide a specific service necessary to carry out the project for a specified period of time under a sponsored agreement. SU has the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not what will be done and how it will be done.

It is the PIs responsibility to coordinate this work with the contractor and to ensure the work has been completed as contracted prior to issuing payments. 

Budgeting and Documenting a Contractor in a Proposal

  • If the person or entity is identified and named in the proposal, a Contractor Letter of Commitment including a scope of work and total cost is required. Please note: The sponsor or program to which you are applying may have additional requirements or specifications for any named contractors or consultants.
  • If the individual or entity is not known but a contracted service is necessary, conduct market research or obtain several quotes in order to budget sufficient funds for the services.

For all contractors, competitive bidding requirements must be met as outlined in the Procurement Policy for Sponsored Project funded equipment and services.

Competitive Bidding Thresholds


  1. OSP's Grant Management Specialist (GMS) will draft the contractor agreement based on the scope of work and will coordinate with the Office of University Counsel as appropriate.
  2. The GMS will issue the contract to contractor for signature then will obtain SU's Authorized Organizational Representative's approval.
  3. OSP will return the fully executed agreement to you and your contractor. If the contractor is a sole proprietor as determined on the Contract Coversheet, the SRO will complete and send the Pre-Work Disclosures for the contractor's signature.
  4. The GMS will set-up the contractor as a vendor within ProcureSU. 
  5. The GMS will set-up the purchase order and upload  executed contract as back-up documentation for payments to be processed.


  • The contractor should submit invoices per the payment terms in the contract. 
  • When an invoice is received, the PI/PD must review and approve the payment. It is the PI/PD's responsibility to ensure the contractor has completed the work as described in the scope of work and in the deliverable timeline outlined in the contract. 
  • The Grant Management Specialist will then process the approved invoice through ProcureSU to issue the payment to the contractor. 

If there are any changes to the contract - budget, scope of work, timeline, or the need to terminate - please contact OSP as soon as possible.