Bias Harassment Policy

Seattle University values and celebrates the diverse backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and perspectives of our community. By encouraging and protecting diversity, we create an environment that promotes freedom of thought and academic excellence.

It is a violation of University policy and the Code of Student Conduct to engage in bias-related conduct that has the purpose or effect of unreasonably creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational, living, or working environment. The term “bias-related” conduct refers to language or behaviors that demonstrate bias against persons or groups because of race, color, ethnicity, religion, faith, national origin, political orientation, immigration status, or sexual orientation. These categories are examples and are not an exhaustive list of attributes or characteristics protected under this policy. 

A student feeling unsafe or threatened because of bias-related harassment should always seek help from a responsible member of the University community who is trained and able to assist. The University offers informal and formal procedures for processing and responding to concerns of hostile or unwelcome behavior.

The following individuals are available to assist students:

Dr. James Willette
Associate Provost/Dean of Students
Student Center 140

Dr. Elizabeth Trayner
Assistant Vice President for Institutional Equity
Title IX Coordinator, and ADA/504 Coordinator
Loyola Hall 300

Students may also make formal or informal complaints using the procedures contained in the Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure for Students or in the case of allegations involving a member of faculty, staff or administration, students may also contact Dr. Elizabeth Trayner, Assistant Vice President for Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator, and ADA/504 Coordinator at 206-220-8515; or Jerron Lowe, Vice President for Human Resources, 206-296-5870, to make a complaint or discuss a concern.