Parent/Guardian Notification

Fall Scenes on Campus


As part of a sanction and under circumstances permitted by FERPA, parent(s)/guardian(s) of a student may be notified when a student under the age of 21 is in violation of the Alcohol and Drug Policy and/or is placed on disciplinary probation, any form of suspension, or dismissed from the University. Notification to parent(s)/guardian(s) is made by letter typically within 30 days of the resolution of an incident.

Notification letters are general in nature and do include specific information about an incident, its resolution, or any sanctions that may have been issued.

The Office of Parent and Family Engagement hosted a webinar on Student Wellness, which includes information on the Integrity Formation process and alcohol/drug education.

We value family engagement in the Integrity Formation process but are typically limited in what information we are able to share without a written release from your student. A student who would like to permit their parent or guardian to speak with the University about a specific incident must submit a Release of Information form using their Seattle University credentials.

If the Office of the Dean of Students does not have a release on file, the University will only be able to provide general information about the Integrity Formation process to parent(s)/guardian(s). Additionally, a student's waiver only permits the University to discuss that student's individual involvement in a specific incident. The University will not acknowledge or discuss the involvement of other students who may have been involved in an incident.

Contact Us

For payments and/or information about records, please visit Student Center 140.

Student Conduct and Integrity Formation

Student Center 320.