Events for parents and families

Stay engaged in your student’s campus experience by attending one of our family events or by watching our webinars.

A man in sunglasses and bandana giving a high five to another man.

Staying involved in campus activities is important for many parents and families. Share in our traditions and experience what it’s like to be a Redhawk by attending Family Weekend or SU Homecoming. We also have a full library of recorded webinars to assist their families and students with a variety of campus life transitions. Regardless of how you stay involved, you’ll be proud to have a Redhawk in the family! 

A couple of women standing in front of a sign.

Family Weekend and Homecoming

Join us for a weekend of fun at Family Weekend during Homecoming. Whether your student is a freshman or senior, we will have programs for you to enjoy with other families and students. We cannot wait for you to be a part of the celebration of our Redhawk spirit! Save the Date: November 8-10, 2024. More details will be available in mid-September.