Math Research Opportunities

Our faculty-led research explores the world from a mathematics lens, providing students with incredible insights into the work of discovery and invaluable experience to take into their professional life.

How Humanity Advances

Read examples below of Seattle University undergraduate math majors engaged in research with their professors who had their work published in well-respected journals.

Previous Research Projects

SU Student: Lee Johnson (undergraduate)
Faculty Mentor: Allison Henrich
Project Title: The Theory of Pseudoknots
Published: Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications, 2013 (with additional coauthors)

Lee Johnson now works in cybersecurity at NASA.

“Through the math department research projects, I was able to see what research mathematics is and get a taste of what that career path entails, travel to conferences and give poster presentations, meet students and researchers from other institutions, get to know my professors outside the classroom, and even help get a paper published. Those experiences helped me understand what I enjoy and wanted to pursue after graduation while being able to work on interesting math problems.”
- Lee Johnson

SU Student: Camille Zaug (undergraduate) 
Faculty Mentor: John Carter 
Project Title: Dissipative models of swell propagation across the Pacific 
Published: Studies in Applied Mathematics, 2021

Camille Zaug went on to work at Ford Motor Company.

“After studying math and physics at SU, I was well prepared to earn a master’s in applied math from the University of Washington. These days, I apply my technical knowledge as a machine learning engineer at Ford Motor Company, a job that provides both positive challenge and balance. I’ll be forever grateful to the SU math department for giving me the tools for success!”
- Camille Zaug

SU Students: Julia Gorman, Oliver Tufte, Anna Miller (all undergraduates) 
Faculty Mentor: Brian Fischer  
Project Title: Diverse brain processing of sound localization in barn owls 
Published: PLOS Computational Biology, 2021 (featured on the November 2021 cover)

Julia Gorman went on to become a PhD student in neuroscience at UC San Diego.

While most mathematics research is performed alongside department faculty, Seattle University can also help students apply to off-campus research experience opportunities in conjunction with the National Science Foundation.