SU RED Grant

Our department earned national recognition and nearly $2 million for designing an innovative educational model specifically for mechanical engineering students.

Our Learning Model: A Million-Dollar Idea

The National Science Foundation awarded Seattle University its prestigious $1.86 million Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) grant for our departmental overhaul. This earned Seattle University the distinction of being one of only two mechanical engineering programs selected for the award at the time.

The award allowed for the expansion of the department’s “Engineering with Engineers” education model, which focused on building a curriculum that supports future mechanical engineers from their first day on. Our innovative approach encourages students to identify as an engineer earlier in their college adventures and then develop that identity throughout their academic career.

Grant funds allowed our faculty to enhance the mechanical engineering student experience to empower individual growth by supporting a student’s professional identity. Specifically, the funds supported:  

  • Developing cutting-edge and skill-building curriculum 
  • Offering inclusive advising and industry connections
  • Updating facilities
  • Faculty industry immersion experiences 
  • Connecting students with industry professionals