Department of Chemistry

Chemistry is central to our daily lives. As the central science, chemistry involves everything from novel materials and drug discovery to environmental science and public health. It is a dynamic field, focused on the discovery and understanding of the processes that make up the natural world.

About Us

Chemists transform science into service. Chemistry majors save lives as medical doctors, solve crimes as forensic investigators, develop new materials and medicines as chemical researchers, protect the planet as environmental scientists and offer options for a better, more sustainable future.

Our Programs

The Department of Chemistry prepares students to make a difference. Our courses feature innovative instruction from scholars who have dedicated their lives to undergraduate education. Choosing chemistry or biochemistry as your major means diving into a dynamic community of learners and researchers focused on the central science long proven as fundamental to human progress.

Discover Chemistry

Learn more about why you should pursue a degree in the Department of Chemistry at Seattle University.

Chemistry students working in a lab with professor

Work Side-by-Side with Faculty on Cutting-Edge Research

A college education involves more than in-class learning. By conducting research projects side-by-side with your professors, you’ll gain invaluable hands-on experience. Find out more about our state-of-the-art laboratories, the technology and instrumentation available to you, and how your research experience will bring your chemistry education to life here.

A group of men in lab coats working in a lab.

Careers in Chemistry

A chemistry degree prepares you for unlimited career potential. It transports you from the world of mundane jobs into careers filled with exploration and innovation. Chemists have used their degrees to create novel materials and make breakthroughs in medicine, sustainability, nutrition and environmental science. You could solve crimes as a forensics specialist, restore ancient artifacts as a museum conservator, hunt down disease as a pathologist, protect the environment as a toxicologist or create new fuels and batteries as an inventor. Explore more careers here.


Median Annual Salary

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for chemists was nearly $85,000 in 2023.

A man is holding a flask with liquid in it.

State-of-the-Art, Hands-On Learning

Learning isn’t confined to the classroom. Our chemistry labs provide invaluable experience doing the work of practicing, professional chemists. At many universities, lab courses include standard, long-standing experiments with little avenue for discovery. At Seattle University, we don’t believe in routine. All of your lab experiences will be authentic. You will learn from your professors asking you forward thinking questions (inquiry-based learning) or alongside your professors as you answer questions and solve problems together (discovery-based learning).  

Your modern education at Seattle University is reinforced by the equipment you will use. Learn more about the state-of-the-art scientific instruments available to chemistry students here.

A woman in a lab standing in front of shelves.

The Elements of a Chemistry Degree From Seattle University

The Department of Chemistry has designed our curriculum to best benefit you, both as a person and as a future professional. Click here to see the foundational knowledge, hands-on scientific skills and practices, and interpersonal dynamics you will develop as you progress through your degree.

Student Resources

Learn more about the resources available to students in the Department of Chemistry, such as advising, scholarships and more.

Chemistry Club: A Formula for Fun

Learning need not be lonely. Our award-winning Chemistry Club provides both social and service events through which you will meet your future colleagues and friends. Our chemistry and biochemistry majors are welcoming, motivated and ready to collaborate.

Gain a Partner in Academic Advising

The College of Science and Engineering’s Advising Center provides practical resources and personal support specifically for chemistry students. See how a partnership with an advisor can benefit you.

Your Future Can Be Funded

Scholarships reduce the financial stress of attending college and allow students to focus fully on student life. Learn more about scholarship opportunities and how you can more freely enjoy your education.

Chemistry Faculty

Students in the Department of Chemistry benefit from close faculty connections and mentorship.