Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

As educators, we are uniquely positioned to promote increasing diversity among STEM professionals. Learn more about the College of Science and Engineering's commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion below.

The College of Science and Engineering is committed to sustaining a culture of excellence built around diversity and inclusivity, and working toward equity in opportunities and outcomes.

We want our culture to be one in which all students, faculty, staff and supporters are welcomed, respected and valued. We believe that diversity strengthens the educational environment we provide for our students. We do not limit diversity to the categories of race, ethnicity, gender and sexual preference, but also include socio-economic status, geographic origin, political philosophy, religion, immigration status and physical abilities. We are training our students to be leaders in society. To be successful, they must understand and appreciate the values, potential and perspectives of people from all walks of life.

Confronting issues of diversity, equity and inclusion is particularly important in the STEM fields, where white males have traditionally been overrepresented. While we are proud of the progress we have made, the College of Science and Engineering recognizes that there is further work to be done. Together, we must work to become a college in which the diversity of faculty and students reflects the full, rich diversity of our community.

Help Make Our Community More Gender Inclusive

  • Include your preferred pronouns on your Zoom name, email, syllabus and anywhere else your name is visible for students. For example: Joe Smith (he/him) or John Doe (they/them).
  • Introduce yourself with your pronouns and encourage others to share pronouns when introducing themselves to their peers. Do not force others to share their pronouns.
  • If you do not know someone's pronouns, default to gender neutral language, such as referring to them by their name or using they/them pronouns. Never assume any person's gender identity or pronouns.
  • Practice pronouns you are not used to using! If you are not adept at using they/them pronouns to address people, practice referring to the student with their correct pronouns on your own time.
  • When you make a mistake, apologize and correct yourself. Be receptive when someone corrects you.

Diversity Resources in Science and Engineering

With the support of a gift from the Boeing Corporation, the College of Science and Engineering has established a committee focused on studying issues of equity and inclusion in engineering and computer science (CS) and advancing ideas to increase diversity across our engineering and CS majors. Initiatives implemented by the committee include:

  • Data-driven examination of barriers to successful completion of engineering and CS degrees among female-identifying and underrepresented minority (URM) students at Seattle University.
  • Student survey and focus groups to better understand the experiences of students from underrepresented or marginalized groups in our college.
  • Developed community building events and summer online community for new students in the College of Science and Engineering.
  • Training workshops on issues of diversity, equity and inclusivity for both students and faculty/staff.
  • Interactive workshop for faculty and staff on microaggressions and bystander intervention.
  • Establishing a team of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) student ambassadors who are developing programs for students, faculty and staff, beginning with regular college-wide town hall meetings for students, faculty and staff to have open and informal conversations about students’ experiences.

NSBE’s mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community. With more than 500 chapters and nearly 16,000 active members in the US and abroad, the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) is one of the largest student-governed organizations based in the United States.

The objectives of the NSBE SU chapter coincide with those of the national chapter. The objectives include programs that serve to stimulate and develop student interest in engineering; to strive to promote participation at all levels of responsibility in the field of engineering by the black communities; and to endeavor in the advancement of black professional engineers within the individual engineering disciplines.

NSBE on ConnectSU

Seattle University’s Society of Women Engineers (SWE) student chapter is a club that aims to foster women’s passion in engineering. We provide a community and unique opportunities that allow for professional development in our respective disciplines, and hope to encourage more women to pursue study and careers in engineering. 

This club is not limited to just female members; it is open to all who support women in the industry.

Key Areas of Focus:

  • Inspiring more women to pursue engineering studies
  • Reducing generalizations and expanding the definition on who "can" be engineers, a field currently dominated by men
  • Increasing volunteer and outreach to K-12 girls considering engineering studies
  • Assisting current SU engineering students with internships, job search and professional development

SWE on ConnectSU