ECE Senior Design Program

Get the opportunity to produce actual products for recognized brands such as Microsoft, Cisco, Boeing and Amazon as part of a student team.

Innovate at Seattle U

Why wait to change the world when you can make a difference while earning your degree?  Our senior design program provides a singular opportunity to produce actual products for real clients like:  

  • Amazon
  • AT&T
  • Cisco
  • General Electric  
  • Boeing
  • Kenworth Truck company F5 Networks
  • Puget Sound Energy
  • Seattle City Light
  • Microsoft 

In your senior year, you’ll join a team consisting of three other students, a faculty mentor, and a liaison from the company that partners with you to provide a solution to a problem they’re facing. Together, you’ll spend the year analyzing and designing solutions, creating a project schedule and budget, building a prototype, preparing detailed engineering reports, and more. Then you’ll have the opportunity to present your accomplishments at a culminating event attended by industry representatives, faculty, fellow students, and family and friends.  

As computer and electrical engineers remain a key driver of socially responsible solutions, we encourage projects that better the world in sustainable and meaningful ways, such as creating devices to aid individuals with disabilities or pioneering renewable energy solutions.

Recent student projects included such innovations as a pre-flight safety check robot for Boeing and a voltage data tracking system for Sound Transit. One team of students even partnered with the Space Needle to design a way of harnessing the power of rain and wastewater pouring down the iconic tourist site to create renewable battery power.