Affiliated Faculty

Paolo Benanti

A photo of Fr. Paolo Benanti

Fr. Paolo Benanti is Visiting Distinguished Scholar at Seattle University. He is the Pope’s AI ethics advisor, a force behind the multi-faith Rome Call for AI Ethics, a member of the UN High-level Advisory Board on AI Ethics and a professor of technology ethics, bioethics, artificial intelligence, and neuroethics at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. Fr. Benanti delivered a lecture at the 2023 Ethics & Tech Conference at Seattle University. He is the author of Homo Faber: The techno-Human condition, Digital age: Teoria del cambio d’epoca. Persona, famiglia e società, Noi e la macchina: Un'etica per l'era digitale, Ricordare troppo: Eccessi di memoria da Borges alle neuroscienze, Postumano, troppo postumano: Neurotecnologie e human enhancement, and Le macchine sapienti: Intelligenze artificiali e decisioni umane, among others. He contributes opinion pieces to Italian dailies regularly.