Natasha Malyuk

Photo of Natasha Malyuk


Senior Academic Advisor

Phone: 206-296-5429

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Schedule: On-Campus Mondays & Wednesdays | Virtual Fridays (Part-time hours in effect April 15, 2024 to December 2, 2024)

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As a first generation student, she completed her BA in Criminology with a Minor in Sociology and Certificate in Liberal Arts and her post-baccalaureate diploma with a focus on World Literature, which included a study abroad at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.  Natasha has worked in higher education for over a decade in student affairs, academic advising and student focused work in academic, professional and leadership development.  She hopes to guide and empowering students as they make informed decisions through engaging with on-campus resources and services, in addition to involvement in academic and professional opportunities towards a well-rounded university experience. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family, travelling and hopes to visit every major league baseball park and hockey arena in North America.