Master of Arts in Psychology Celebrates 40th Anniversary on May 15

New program in Existential Phenomenological (EP) Psychology began to train therapists in a radically new philosophical healing model in 1981

Photo of the program foundersThe Master of Arts in Psychology (MAP) Program in Existential Phenomenological (EP) Psychology began to train therapists in a radically new philosophical healing model in 1981. The art and human science of existential-phenomenological therapy offered a deeply humanistic and experiential relational framework for creating apprenticeships with meaning making in the therapeutic journey for therapist and patient.

Join the event to share memories and fellowship, in-person and online.

  • Sunday, May 15
  • 12:30-5:30 p.m.
  • Father LeRoux S.J. Conference Center, STCN 160

The central founders of this new model, George Kunz, Steen Halling, Lane Gerber, Jan Rowe, Kevin Krycka, and Jim Risser, brought forward a vision for a reframing of human suffering from reductive pathology to passage and possibility.

Written by Karen L. Bystrom

Sunday, May 8, 2022