September 2022 - Imagining The Year Ahead

September 8, 2022


Imagining The Year Ahead



CEIE commits this year to the Seattle U. Vision for Reigniting Our Strategic Directions - to be a Center that imagines and shapes its work with excellence, purpose and impact. We consult and create - Dr. Trice clarifies the time ahead.



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Imagining the Year Ahead with Provost Shane Martin


Center Director, Dr. Michael Trice interviews SU Provost Shane Martin.

Dr. Michael Trice and Shane Martin discuss SU’s Strategic Goals, the emancipatory power of a comprehensive curriculum, and the role of the Provost Fellows in the year ahead.   


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Imagining the Year Ahead


Center Advisory Council members join CEIE Student Affiliates, Staff, and Faculty send you a gift of  a video to start our academic year together.  Aristotle called imagination a virtue of the soul; this academic year soulful ideas from the Center aim to benefit our communities and the world. 

Stay tuned this year – as Dr. Donalson notes, at the heart of our imagination is you




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We begin the year with a new organization and integrated look and feel for CEIE across web and social media platforms. 


We are grateful to Student Affiliate Sofia Sayabalian, CEIE Educational Resources Developer Megan Anderson, and CEIE Digital Marketing and Graphic Design Lead Jessica Cattle, for their leadership.  You’ll see their work in every webinar, workshop and event from CEIE this year. 


Click on the images below to visit the Center site and the Center’s Theolab at:

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Follow the links to the CEIE web platform and register to participate in our upcoming events.   

Join us on Thursday, September 22nd in celebration of his most recent book, drawing upon a career as a theologian and teacher, and focused upon a single yet turbulent year of worship and preaching. 


Dr. Taylor, accompanied by three of his former students, will explore:  The role of imagination in the work and play of preaching; how we might reimagine church-in-the-world; and the relationship between justice and imagination. 



October 5th -- Co-Sponsered Event: Latosha Brown of Black Voters Matter Presents! 



LaTosha Brown, Co-Founder of Black Voters Matter to speak at Seattle University on October 5th, a month before the U.S. midterm elections. 


Ms. Brown is an award-winning organizer, philanthropic consultant, and political strategist with over twenty years of experience working in the non-profit and philanthropy sectors on a wide variety of issues related to political empowerment, social justice, economic development, leadership development, wealth creation and civil rights. 


This event is co-sponsored with the United Way of King County, and in commitment to the historic Black and civically minded predominantly white ecumenical communities and allies throughout our region. Seating is limited. Register Below Today.


For a select time only, this event is free to Seattle University Students, Staff, and Faculty. The Register Code is: Seattleu 


Save the Dates - Registration Starts September 19
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The Religica Theolab is redesigned, with major resources and free course guides for local communities available at – visit & explore our resources!  


Religica Podcast

Dr. Mark Lloyd Taylor is Professor Emeritus at the School of Theology and Ministry, Seattle U. He discusses his latest book titled – So Fill Our Imaginations: The Work and Play of a Year of Preaching, and the role of imagination, the art of Godly play, and an authentic way of being church for our time.


A New Relationship – The Interfaith Observer

TIO is trusted and read around the world.  It is founded by Paul Chaffee, a respected luminary in the field for decades, and is managed in the endlessly creative leadership of Megan Anderson as Editor and Webmaster.  CEIE will curate two issues of essays at TIO this coming year and has integrated TIO into the Religica Theolab’s home page.  In addition, Paul Chaffee joins the Center as a Fellow this academic year, and in this role will produce his well-read, monthly “Interfaith News Roundup,” which we will highlight each month of this academic year. 


TIO provides historical perspectives, surveys current interfaith news, profiles major stakeholders, and otherwise provides maps and sign-posts for the different sectors of an emerging interfaith culture. It offers a context to explore and respond to the new religious world we live in. TIO is designed as a resource for the general reader, anyone interested in the subject. But articles are filled with references and links for those who wish to pursue a particular subject.


Interfaith News Roundup with Rev. Paul Chaffee

Rev. Paul Chaffee is the founder of The Interfaith Observer (TIO). He was the founding executive director of the Interfaith Center at the Presidio, serving for 17 years. He sat on United Religions Initiative’s original Board of Directors for six years, was a trustee of the North American Interfaith Network (NAIN) for ten, and was a Parliament Ambassador for the Parliament of the World’s Religions for three. Read further about Paul's fellowship at the CEIE here


The Interfaith News Roundup is an aggregator of important religion and spirituality news in the world. It is a monthly feature in The Interfaith Observer since 2011 and today is at home in The Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement (CEIE) at Seattle University.


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For more information click on the links below: 



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We have highlighted some interesting links for a few of the events this month: 


  • September 16-17 2022 Arbaʽein - What is Arbaeen and how do Shia Muslims mark it? Middle East Eye takes a look at the historical and religious significance that the day holds. Click to learn more  
  • September 10-25 2022  Pitru Paksha (Nayrouz) - All About Pitru Paksha: History, Significance, Facts And Places. Click to learn more 
  • September 21 2022 - International Day of Peace - The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly. Take a look at the United Nations webpage regarding this important and meaningful day: Click to learn more 
  • September 25-27 2022 - Rosh Hashanah - Watch this great video on what Rosh Hashanah is, for everyone. This video explains what the holiday is about, how different communities celebrate it, what the special foods and traditions are, and the spiritual connection. A great intro for Jews and non-Jews alike - share with your curious coworker or family member. Click to learn more 
  • September 27 2022 - Meskel - Read more about Meskel and how this day commemorates the discovery of the True Cross by Queen Helena in the fourth century. This is the first big festival of the Ethiopian religious year. Click to learn more
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  • Sept. 14th  15 years since the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples -- [Visit Here]
  • Sept 20th – STM Student and Alumni Discernment Circle for CEIE Monthly meeting -- [Visit Here] 
  • October 13th – Webinar with Dr. Edward Donalson III: The #BlackLivesMatter Movement: Toward an Intersectional Theology -- [Register Here]
  • October 21st – CEIE Dharma Talk Series Begins -- [Visit Here]
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Maurice Bloem Walks 100 Miles to Fight Hunger –

CEIE Advisor and 2022-23 Fellow, Maurice Bloem is the Chief Sustainability and Impact Officer and Representative to the United Nations for Church World Service. He also walks 100 miles a week in support of the longstanding CWS C.R.O.P. Hunger Walk.  


This year Maurice Bloem is walking in the Seattle area! Walk with Maurice from Oct 9-12, 2022. Support the work and find additional ways to fight hunger at


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