Sustainability Courses
Sustainability Courses Finder
Showing 10 items of 500
ENSC-3250 : Environmental Geology
Environmental Science | College of Science and Engineering | UG
An introduction to principles of geological processes and paradigms in geology relevant to environmental issues. Assessment of how geological processes are related to the use and abuse of natural and economic resources. Field and computer methods will be used to gather, analyze and synthesize data.
ENSC-3300 : Natural Systems
Environmental Science | College of Science and Engineering | UG
The goal of this course is to develop a scientific understanding of the entire Earth system by describing how its major physical and biological systems function, interact and evolve. The course explores the integrated Earth system which includes the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Topics include global energy balance, circulation and dynamics of atmosphere and oceans, climate, biogeochemical cycles, plate tectonics, ecology and biodiversity, geomorphology, limnology, and gro...
ENSC-3410 : Applied Environmental Biology
Environmental Science | College of Science and Engineering | UG
Basic principles of microbiology and biochemistry as applied to environmental control and wastewater treatment. Kinetic and energetic aspects are emphasized. Effects of domestic and industrial water pollution on the biological characteristics of natural waters and aquatic life are studied. Laboratory includes plating techniques, studying biological growth kinetics and advanced genetic techniques such as gene amplification using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Cross-listed with CEEGR 3410 (forme...
ENSC-3420 : Environmental Engineering Chemistry
Environmental Science | College of Science and Engineering | UG
Principles of chemical kinetics and thermodynamics applied to fundamental understanding of aqueous environmental samples, including natural waters, wastewaters, and treated waters; factors controlling inorganic and organic chemical concentrations, acid-base equilibria, and absorption phenomena. Cross-listed with CEEGR 3420 (formerly CEEGR 342).
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ENSC-3500 : Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Environmental Science | College of Science and Engineering | UG
GIS is a vibrant and pervasive technology for investigating and understanding societal, environmental and ecological problems (and more) from a spatial perspective. This course introduces students to GIS concepts, such as posing spatial questions, finding and using GIS data, cartographic literacy and multi-step spatial problem solving. Students will learn how to acquire, map and analyze spatial data (in raster and vector forms) in order to assess a variety of questions, and will learn to communi...
Read more about ENSC-3500 : Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
ENSC-3710 : Water Resources I
Environmental Science | College of Science and Engineering | UG
Hydrologic data sources, collection, and analysis, including frequency analysis. Precipitation, runoff, evaporation, and transpiration. Analysis of stream flow, hydrographs, flood mitigation, and drainage basins. Cross-listed with CEEGR 3710.
ENSC-3760 : Environmental Law and Impact
Environmental Science | College of Science and Engineering | UG
Social, economic, and engineering factors involved in environmental regulations. National and regional water policies, programs, and administration. Emphasis on national environmental policy act and its implementation. Terminology of environmental inventory, assessment, and impact statement. Cross-listed with CEEGR 3760 (formerly CEEGR 376).
ENSC-3860 : Sustainable Engineering
Environmental Science | College of Science and Engineering | UG
Introduces principles of green building including the sustainable use of water, energy and materials. Focuses also on the design of alternative energy production systems including solar, wind and micro hydro systems for the developing world. Sustainable pollution control technologies for air and water are also examined. Students are required to identify a project that culminates with a final design report and presentation. Cross-listed with CEEGR 3860.
ENSC-4730 : Principles of Environmental Engineering
Environmental Science | College of Science and Engineering | UG
Introduction to water and wastewater treatment processes, air pollution control and hazardous waste management through the understanding of physical, chemical, and biological processes as well as mass balance analyses. Four lectures and one laboratory or field trip per week. Cross-listed with CEEGR 4730 (formerly CEEGR 473).
Read more about ENSC-4730 : Principles of Environmental Engineering
ENVL-300 : Environmental Law Fundamentals
Law: Environmental Law | School of Law | LW
This course will introduce students to the major federal laws aimed at protecting the human and natural environments. While discussing some policy issues throughout the semester, the course will focus on the environmental laws as they exist today. After considering some foundations in constitutional and administrative law, the course will proceed to examine the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and hazardous waste regulation. The course will also inclu...